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water consumption

Track Water Consumption

Drinking Water For My Health Why the heck do I need to be aware of my  water consumption? Let me give you the short version: If...
measuring food

How To Do Portion Control For Weight Loss

Can You Lose Weight With Portion Control? Obesity has become an epidemic, especially in the U.S. Reasons for this problem vary but include poor eating habits and lack of exercise. One of the easiest...
cabbage soup diet

The Top 3 Fat Burning Foods

Foods That Burn Fat? Yes, fat burning foods do exist! In all of my years as a professional Nutrition Specialist, I've noticed that most people are shocked to hear some of my picks...
counting calories

How Many Calories Should I Eat A Day To Lose Weight?

Counting Calories How Many Calories Should I Eat A Day To Lose Weight? Well, way back in the 1970’s (remember disco?), calorie counting became the next big thing for weight loss. It led...
vegetable fat burners

Vegetable Fat Burners

Can You Burn Fat With Vegetables? Vegetable Fat Burners? Specific vegetables that actually help to stimulate the burning of stomach fat? Sounds crazy right? Well, check this out below and you'll see why it's...
trans fat

A Type of Trans Fat That Burns Belly Fat?

A Type of Trans Fat That Burns Belly Fat? As an exercise physiologist, I usually shock people with this fact... it's true that there is a type of healthy natural trans fat...
protein bars

Your Energy Bar Or Protein Bar May Actually Be Junk Food

Your Energy Bar Or Protein Bar May Actually Be Junk Food? You see them all over the place these days... nutrition or energy bars that claim to be healthy and good for...
weight loss plan

Choosing A Weight Loss Plan

The Losing Weight Common Sense Post! Are you considering choosing a weight loss plan? This may not seem possible but over half of us in the U.S. go on a diet every year....
drinking water

Why We Should All Be Drinking!

 Why We Should All Be Drinking? As I watched my wife pop the top on another Diet Dr. Pepper, I had a strong urge to reprimand her. Luckily, my parents didn't raise...
heart attack

Ketogenic Diet and Cardiovascular Disease

Does A Keto Diet Help Or Hurt Your Heart? Although the Ketogenic or Keto Diet has been around for 80 years, it had really just begun to hit the mainstream.  Undoubtedly, the...